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Interior Design

Tips for Creating Colorful Living Areas

Looking for design ideas that won’t break the bank? Try these tricks to get more bang for your buck while improving the value of your living spaces.

By Francoise O'Neill

100176522.jpg.rendition.largest_CR800To successfully stick to your home remodeling or home décor budget, a good trick for making a marked change without spending too much money is to infuse your living area with color. Instead of spending cash on cover-ups, this loft’s owner showcased the living room’s soaring windows and brick walls, duct work, trusses, pipes and columns, helping them become part of the home’s style.


Simple but vibrant student art lines the wall, creating a stunning focal point for the living room. The homeowner framed and matted each piece using thin black frames and clean white mats for a minimalist look that allows the art to shine.



Bring in Colorful Accessories

A blank canvas comprised of a neutral dining room table and chairs gets punch from bold, colorful accessories. Find items like these at any discount store and fill them with flowers or leave them empty.

100176523.jpg.rendition.largest_CR800Frame a Series

For the homeowner’s client meeting area, an orange cabinet was purchased at an inventory reduction sale and paired with an inexpensive large rug. This gave the homeowners a bit of extra money to invest in the chic acrylic chairs. Rather than investing in one massive artwork, frame a series of midsize prints to fill a wall. Abstract art is filled with bright colors and imaginative shapes.


Open Space

Think of walls as your larger-than-life canvases. Take a cue from this homeowner’s open-plan loft and use bold colors to define your own living areas. If you don’t like a color, you can always repaint it.

Also, use large rugs, changes in wall color, and furniture placement (the turned back of a sofa or chairs) to further separate areas within an open space.


Deep Wall Color

Juxtapose light-hued furniture against a saturated wall color to create a punchy focal point. Too many accessories can spoil the room, as can too many decorating styles. A clean, uncluttered space lets things stand out.


Treat with Textures

Small, colorful accessories—such as these shimmery pillows in the homeowner’s bedroom—in addition to glass and ceramic vases, nubby throws and furry rugs all add extra zing without adding too much cost.









Adapted from Better Homes & Gardens. Used with permission. © Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved.