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Tips for Buyers & Sellers

Packing It Up: Expert-Tested Moving Tips & Tricks

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Preparing to move your home is invariably a daunting task. What’s the best way to pack your belongings efficiently and effectively—so you don’t risk losing or breaking anything? Use our tips from the packing pros to be sure your next move is successful and all your belongings are packed the right way.

Packing It Up: Expert-Tested Moving Tips & Tricks -

Try The Dresser Trick

Here’s a great moving secret: You don’t have to take everything out of your dressers when you move. Lightweight items, such as clothing and linens, can stay in your dresser drawers when you pack. In fact, it’s a smart idea to put a clean set of sheets, towels and pajamas in each dresser so that you’ll know right where they are when you get to your new digs.

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