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Interior Design

Your Family Home: Keeping Everything Organized

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Do you feel like your home has fallen into chaos? Use our tips to help whip things back into shape. Our ideas will help your whole family clean up and maintain a well-organized home— ensuring you’re ready for last-minute guests or home showings.

 Ready, Set, Go

Your Family Home: Keeping Everything Organized - bhgrelife.comGetting and staying motivated are common organizational challenges for many homeowners. Get past all of your mental roadblocks by setting realistic goals. “Your disorganization didn’t happen overnight, and it’s not going to disappear in a short period of time, either,” says Audrey Thomas, productivity consultant and founder of






Set a Timer

Your Family Home: Keeping Everything Organized - bhgrelife.comThe easiest way to foster motivation and long-term organizational success is by breaking up your home organization project into doable increments. Start out small by setting a timer for just 15 minutes. You can always reset the timer if you’re on a roll.








Make a Date

Your Family Home: Keeping Everything Organized - bhgrelife.comPut cleanup reminders on your calendar as you would any other appointment. If you have children, enlist their help or consider arranging for a sitter so you truly have time to focus on the task at hand. Can’t block out an entire afternoon? Schedule shorter time periods over several days or weeks depending on the scale of the project.







Get Inspired

Your Family Home: Keeping Everything Organized - bhgrelife.comPost inspirational pictures from favorite home websites or magazines in a prominent place to generate excitement for what the result will be. If you find yourself struggling to beat procrastination, write down your goals and a timeline for accomplishing them and post it up along with your collection of inspirational photos.







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