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Inexpensive Ways to Give Back to Your Community

Giving back is an important part of keeping your community running, but sometimes we think we don’t have the resources to participate. The truth is everyone could give back a little more and it doesn’t have to break the bank!

Below are a few suggestions on how you can start to give back right now.

Inexpensive Ways to Give Back to Your Community -

Reuse, Reuse, Reuse!

The saying is true, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and chances are you’ve got a jackpot! For starters, don’t throw out those old newspapers, bring them to a local animal shelter or wildlife rehabilitation center. The newspapers can be used to line spaces and crates, plus they are always in high demand! The animals will have one more need met, and you’ll be able to get rid of some clutter, it’s a win-win. Next, start collecting plastic shopping bags and keeping them handy for any needs around the house, such as protecting edibles, filling in gaps around pipes, and resealing paint cans.



Inexpensive Ways to Give Back to Your Community -

Build Your Own Compost Pile

We’ve found uses for old newspapers and plastic bags, but what about the rest of your garbage? Build a compost pile! Compost piles enrich the soil, lessen methane emissions and reduce your community’s carbon footprint. You can donate the result of compost pile to community gardens or local farmers to take the place of chemical fertilizers. Compost piles not only help you eliminate your trash and decrease your carbon footprint, but they are super easy to set up too! Simply pick a spot in your backyard, gather leaves, weeds, table scraps, leftover fruits and vegetables, and any other decomposable waste from the kitchen or yard. Combine it all into a pile, add a little water, and let nature do the rest! Learn more about compost piles here.

Inexpensive Ways to Give Back to Your Community -

Embrace the Binge

Your trash is a great place to start, but chances are, you have a ton of recyclable items just sitting around your home! It’s always a great time to rummage through your closet and separate what you love from what you no longer need. Donating old clothes, shoes, and coats is an excellent way to give back and declutter your home at the same time. It won’t cost a thing and it will put those items to good use. Don’t forget about the other rooms in your home too. You can donate dishes, toys, books, blankets, or just about anything you no longer need. Not sure where to drop off unwanted items? The Salvation Army is a good place to start!

Inexpensive Ways to Give Back to Your Community -

Time is a Gift

Lastly, you can volunteer your time.. It’s easy to get involved with community projects and help is always needed. Volunteering is your chance to participate so make the most of your time by picking something you’re passionate about. Do you love animals? Contact your animal hospital or adoption center. Are you keen on the outdoors? Help clean up a local park or beach. Love to build stuff? Volunteer with a charity such as Rebuilding Together, which helps repair homes for low-income families in your neighborhood. There are so many ways you can volunteer in your community, and each one makes a huge difference!

Giving back to your community is rewarding and keeps your community thriving. A little effort can go a long way, especially when we all come together to help in creative ways. What’s your favorite way to give back?