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Increase Your Home’s Value with 11 Easy Updates

How your home appears from the curb can say a lot. A well-maintained, good-looking home attracts attention—and prospective home buyers. To keep your home in tip-top shape, try these exterior updates to boost curb appeal and increase your home’s value when it’s time to sell.



A new front door instantly enhances your home’s appearance and, what’s more, it can greatly increase resale value. A recent study by door manufacturer Therma-Tru found that upgrading the front door of a house increased the perceived value of a $190,000 home by almost $8,000. Estimates for new entry doors start around $2,500, so you could actually make back triple the money you spend.






Take Care of the Landscaping

Curb appeal starts with quality landscaping that enhances the style of your home. Landscaping doesn’t have to be expensive; only well thought-out, interesting, and cohesive. Pick a theme for plantings (native, tropical) and stick with it.




101711696-jpg-rendition-ss-CRInstall Outdoor Lighting

Properly planned and installed outdoor lighting can add safety, drama, and interest to your home. Path lighting should also be an integral part of your outdoor lighting plan.




101135299-jpg-rendition-ss-CRInstall New Roofing

A roof can account for 40 percent of a home’s look from the curb, so carefully consider what material will best complement your home and attract potential buyers. When replacing a roof, it’s best to tear off the old roof rather than install a new one over it. Removing the old roof reveals any defects that should be fixed before the new roof is installed.




101778044-jpg-rendition-ss-CRUpdate Inefficient Windows

You don’t have to put up with drafty rooms. Trade in old, energy-squandering windows for new, high-performance units that swing in for easy cleaning. Windows marked with the Energy Star label can cut your fuel bills by as much as $340 per year over drafty single-pane units, which means major savings for as long as you own your home.




101762993-jpg-rendition-ss-CRAdd a Porch

Front porches are popular once again. They can add great appeal with extra family living space, and a charming porch pulls buyers in. Make sure to get professional design help so your porch doesn’t look like an add-on, and check building codes for setback requirements. Also, if you plan to entertain there, make sure your porch is at least 12 x 24 feet.




101690552-jpg-rendition-ss-CRUpdate Your Hardware

Get new house numbers, a new mailbox, and a door latch with the same finish to give your exterior a cohesive, stylish look.




101768193-jpg-rendition-ss-CRAdd Flair with Architectural Detail

When replacing siding, consider adding a few architectural embellishments that will enhance your home’s curb appeal: try adding a small balcony above the front door, decorative shutters and window mullions, or wide moldings around the front and garage doors.




101721172-jpg-rendition-ss-CRReplace Ugly or Damaged Siding

Refresh your home’s exterior with new siding. The most affordable option is vinyl siding. Once a bland material compared to wood, vinyl siding is now available in a wide variety of colors and styles (including scalloped and square-cut shingles), so you’re likely to find something that suits both your taste and your budget.




101730148-jpg-rendition-ss-CRGive the Garage a Facelift

Plain beige or white garage doors are a thing of the past. Today’s market offers beautiful alternatives such as carriage-style doors made of composite materials. Keep what’s behind the doors beautiful, too. To tidy up the space, add built-in storage or use cabinets, shelves, or pegboards.




Adapted from Better Homes and Gardens. Used with permission. ©Meredith Corporation. All rights reserved.