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Housecleaning Tips for Last-Minute Party Planning

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This crash course in housecleaning will help you attack the worst messes just before last-minute guests—or potential buyers—come calling.

In an ideal world, all of us would keep spotless houses—all of the time. But since that isn’t a reality, most of us settle for next best: a thorough cleaning the day before guests arrive, during which we organize clutter and scrub each room until it’s gleaming. No time for that? Roll up your sleeves: this is your strategic guide to getting your cleaning done before your doorbell rings.

Housecleaning Tips for Last-Minute Party Planning -

Make a plan—quickly.

Organize your cleaning plan, and don’t linger on any single cleaning chore. Remember, this isn’t a deep clean. Hit the important areas, clean only what you must and move on.

Start at the front door. It’s the first thing guests will see. Make a good first impression in just minutes by doing a quick sweep of the front porch, steps, and outside entryway. It doesn’t need to be immaculate; sweeping away dust and debris immediately freshens the space. While you have the broom in hand, pass it through corners and beside railings to eliminate unwanted cobwebs. Clean the glass in your front door. Bright, clear glass free of smudges, fingerprints and grime brightens your entry and lets a welcoming glow shine through.

Clean the bathrooms guests will be using.

A sparkling bath or powder room shows off your attention to comfort and cleanliness, and most guests will pay at least one visit to your bathroom during their visit. Wipe down any obvious dirty areas in the bath using household cleaner and paper towels. Give the faucet a quick swipe to make it sparkle. Next, apply toilet cleaner to toilets and give them a quick brushing. Use a damp towel to wipe the floor, then clean the mirrors so they’re free of water spots and smudges.

Clear the counters of clutter. If you have no other place to store toiletries and everyday essentials, tuck them in a basket and hide the basket. A tub with a decorative shower curtain is a possible hiding spot, but guests have been known to peek behind the curtain, so you might consider a closet, instead. Next, replace hand towels with fresh ones, and set out fresh hand soap. If you’re using a liquid soap dispenser, make sure it’s full. Also, wipe off the outside and the pump.

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