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Home Maintenance

15 Budget-Friendly Ways to Keep Your Home Cool

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Trying to escape the heat this summer? Instead of dialing up your air conditioner (and ramping up your utility bill), try one of our budget-friendly tips for staying cool—and saving money. Our 15 tricks will help you keep your home comfortable and cool without breaking the bank. CR

Replace Your Home’s Windows

According to the EPA, Energy Star-certified windows can save the typical homeowner $125-$450 per year in energy costs when replacing single-pane windows and $25-$110 per year when replacing double-pane clear-glass windows.

What makes a window energy-efficient?
  • Improved frame materials such as wood composites, vinyl, and fiberglass reduce heat transfer and improve insulation.
  • Low-E glass with special coatings reflects infrared light, keeping out summer heat.
  • Gases between the panes, such as argon or krypton, insulate better than regular air.
  • Multiple panes of glass with air or gas in between insulate better than a single pane.
  • Warm-edge spacers keep a window’s panes the correct distance apart to reduce heat flow and prevent condensation.


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